
Next Open Forum

2.30pm Tuesday 4th February 2024

Hear Us Mental Health Open Forum enables service users to have a constructive voice in the commissioning and design of services

The next Open Forum is Tuesday 4th February 2.30pm

Guest Speaker: NHS SLaM- SUITE

Service User and Carer Involvement in Training and Education

Register for Reach out Create open day. This link takes you to website Eventbrite

We are joined by Angela, SUITE Manager from SLaM (South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust). Angela will talk about SUITE and how to get involved in the work they do. Suite supports Mental health service users, carers and family members to be involved to improve SLaM services.

SUITE is part of the Education and Training Department of SLaM. SUITE supports, coaches and gives training to service users and carers so that they can develop and deliver training to SLAM staff on a whole range of topics.

SUITE believe that having service user involvement in the training they give to staff increases its effectiveness. This gives a unique way of allowing staff to put themselves in the shoes of service users and carers.

Voice of Change

We now have a new segment on the Open Forum. Hear Us’ new Campaigns Project segment, Voice of Change, is a platform dedicated to the voices of service users and community members of Croydon. This segment is a chance to:

  • Voice questions to SLaM staff, commissioners, or councillors.
  • Highlight issues you have heard about or experienced in mental health services.
  • Recommend campaigns for Hear Us to collaborate on with other organizations.
  • Advocate for the change you want to see.
  • Learn about how to contribute to the campaigns project.

In line with the Hear Us ethos, our number one priority for campaigning is co-production with people who have lived experience of using and needing mental health services in Croydon. That is why we are urging all members of Hear Us to attend the Open Forum and share your perspective and insights during Voice of Change, because it is your voices that inspire change. No Campaign, No Gain!

The Hear Us Mental Health Open Forum is designed primarily for mental health service users to come together and discuss services that affect them. However, we welcome carers, staff and anyone interested in mental health to join us.

This forum allows us all to meet, ask questions and debate with commissioners and service providers. We invite statutory services like Croydon Council and SLaM (South London and Maudsley NHS Trust) as well as voluntary services such as Mind, The BME Forum and APCMH to name but a few.

Amy Kirksmith
Open Forum Coordinator
Hear Us
Orchard House
15a Purley Road
South Croydon
Tel: 020 8681 6888