If you need urgent help for your mental health, but it’s not an emergency:
Call 0800 731 2864 and choose option 1 to speak to our local mental health crisis line.Tell us if you need an interpreter. We can connect you to local mental health services, including our crisis support teams and peer support services.
People experiencing a mental health crisis can call 111 and press 2 to access 24/7 mental health support;.
People of all ages who are in crisis, or concerned family and loved ones, can now call 111, select the mental health option and speak to a trained mental health professional who will guide callers to the most appropriate service for them, such organising face-to-face community support or facilitating access to alternatives services, such as crisis cafés or safe havens which provide a place for people to stay as an alternative to A&E or a hospital admission.
If you are in contact with one of our mental health services
Check your crisis plan, if you have one, and:
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Contact your care coordinator or the duty number for the team that is supporting you