

Croydon’s Mental Health Service User Group
Hear Us Croydon / Hear Us / Membership
Become a Hear Us member

It is FREE to Join Hear Us Membership

As Croydon’s only mental health service user group run by and for people with severe and enduring mental illness, our organisation is 100% service user run. This strength gives us a unique insight into the barriers faced by our service users; particularly those also experiencing drug & alcohol misuse or leaving prison.

We provide specialist peer support and personal support for our service users – people with complex mental health issues living or working in the London Borough of Croydon. Our practical, regular activities help users to cope better with daily living and helps to relieve their social, emotional and physical needs.

Hear Us supports adults with serious mental health challenges to access financial, health and social inclusion support within the borough of Croydon, and we act to increase awareness of mental health.

There are three types of Hear Us Membership

Hear Us FULL Membership

Associate Member

Affiliate Member

Click here to join FREE Hear Us FULL Membership

Join FREE to the Hear Us Membership:

Full Hear Us membership is free and is open to people over the age of 16 or over who:

1. has lived the experience of having mental ill health.

2. live, work or study in the London Borough of Croydon

3. and support the mission, vision and values of Hear Us

What are the benefits and opportunities for being a Full Hear Us Membership?

  Full voting rights at our AGM – only full membership gives you rights to voting

  You will receive invites to our monthly Open Forums, where you can ask direct questions to service providers and commissioners.

  You could join our News Campaigns Movement to help to change and improve services that we all use.

You can become a Peer Support Worker on our Linkworking Project and help to improve access to services

  Volunteer on our Welfare Rights Advice Project and help to support people to claim their disability benefits

  Helping fundraise to support the work of Hear Us.

  Help with office-based opportunities or even help to guide Hear Us by becoming a Trustee.

  Joining our Reachout Challenge Volunteers and helping to fight mental health stigma and discrimination.

  and helping to improve our local mental health services

Or click here to Join FREE as an Associate Member

Or join FREE as an Associate Member, you must:

I have lived experience of having mental ill health, but do not live, study or work in Croydon

Or care or provide support someone with a disability

And support the mission, vision and values of Hear Us

As an associate member of Hear Us you will receive regular newsletters and updates on our work and campaigns.

Or click here to join FREE as an Affiliate Member

or join FREE as an Affiliate Member

A staff member of another voluntary organisation or provide support as a mental health worker or commissioner of mental health service.

and support the mission, vission and values of Hear Us

Receive regular newsletters and updates on our work and campaigns
You support Hear Us as a Mental Health Service User Run organisation, and our aims

Unsure about joining? If you are uncertain whether you would be a FULL, Associate or Affiliate Member, or if you want more information, please get in touch with us.

Membership Guarantee

(Hear Us is a charitable company limited by guarantee)

By completing this application form, you agree that if Hear Us is dissolved with liabilities more significant than its assets, you may be called upon as a member to pay a sum not exceeding Ten Pounds (£10).

Tim Oldham
Orchard House
15a Purley Road
South Croydon

Tel: 020 8681 6888
Mobile: 07594 373 104