Join FREE to the Hear Us Membership:
Full Hear Us membership is free and is open to people over the age of 16 or over who:
1. has lived the experience of having mental ill health.
2. live, work or study in the London Borough of Croydon
3. and support the mission, vision and values of Hear Us
What are the benefits and opportunities for being a Full Hear Us Membership?
“ Full voting rights at our AGM – only full membership gives you rights to voting
“ You will receive invites to our monthly Open Forums, where you can ask direct questions to service providers and commissioners.
“ You could join our News Campaigns Movement to help to change and improve services that we all use.
“ You can become a Peer Support Worker on our Linkworking Project and help to improve access to services
“ Volunteer on our Welfare Rights Advice Project and help to support people to claim their disability benefits
“ Helping fundraise to support the work of Hear Us.
“ Help with office-based opportunities or even help to guide Hear Us by becoming a Trustee.
“ Joining our Reachout Challenge Volunteers and helping to fight mental health stigma and discrimination.
“ and helping to improve our local mental health services